Bentley Elementary Family and Friends,

The Bentley PTA runs on Volunteer Power! We have plenty of  volunteer opportunities throughout the year and the need never ends. From car and walker duties to helping at events such as Trunk-or-Treat, Fun Run, school dances, and more! Sign ups will be posted throughout the year, but you don't have to wait for the opportunity to come to you. We are glad to cater to your interests and find the best fit.  

Please fill out our volunteer interest form here:


This is a requirement as we keep the safety of our students and staff at the forefront. It's quick and easy! Follow these steps:

1.) Apply to volunteer by completing the volunteer application found below:

2.) After you receive your volunteer clearance email, contact the campus or department you wish to support as a volunteer to receive information on next steps (this can be done by presenting valid ID to the secretary).


September 26th Innovative Day

Bentley Elementary has a fun-filled day planned for students on Thursday, September 26th and we need your help making this day a success! There will be one volunteer assigned to each classroom and each volunteer will move with their class throughout the day.

The theme for this innovative day is a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month with a spotlight on the House of Compassion.

Events include:

If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, please use the link below. Once signed up, you will receive email updates as we approach the date which will include a master schedule and volunteer duties for each station.


Please email Afua Giles at with any volunteer questions.